今天是暑假最後一天!!!所以還是讓大家聽歡樂的歌!暑假的第三篇迪士尼文是Forever In Your Mind(FIYM)幫迪士尼原創電影滿100部所唱的組曲(medley)。FIYM本身不是Disney人,但他們隸屬於Hollywood Records,而且成員Ricky Garcia有飾演《超時空姊妹》(Best Friend Whenever)裡的雷納多(Naldo)ㄝ!他們真的很可愛,有機會再和大家介紹這個新團! 以下用顏色區分: Descendants(星光繼承者1) - Rotten to the Core Adventures in Babysitting(保母夜瘋狂) - Wildside High School Musical(歌舞青春1) - Breaking Free Camp Rock(搖滾夏令營1) - This Is Me Teen Beach Movie(青春海灘1) - Cruisin' for a Bruisin' Forever In Your Mind DC Classics Medley Mirror, mirror on the wall Who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world We're rotten to the core Don't wanna stop, give up I want it all 'cause I just ain't had enough Keep up, we're gonna show the world That there's just no stopping us No one can hold us back, we're gonna break the rules Can't hold us back, we're gonna light the fuse(導火線) in us I'm living on the wildside, wildside No tellin...
歡迎蒞臨寒舍!我是Cherry, 一位忠實的Directioner, 西洋音樂的頭號粉絲!我會在這個部落格PO英文歌詞或任何西洋的大小事(名人八卦/電影電視......等),如果需要中文翻譯或想知道更多的[???]請留言給我ㄛ!還有啊~用電腦版會比較好看!;)