安安ㄚ~寒假都快過了(我不想上學QAQ),是不是都懶趴趴的不想寫寒假作業?(跟我一樣:)有朋友跟我反應說我都沒分享女性的歌,那今天就帶來一首girls power爆表的歌啦!現在正跟著Ariana Grande(亞莉安娜)一起巡演(Dangerous Woman Tour)的Little Mix(混合甜心)是我(&我老哥)最喜歡的女孩團體,她們的歌都充滿女性的霸氣,個個都很會唱歌;偷偷告訴大家,她們可是1D男孩們的學妹呢![The X Factor(X元素)第8季的冠軍!!!](1D是第7季的第3名XD)客觀來看,你會發現冠軍就是不一樣,不管是曲風多元(不像1D都自己唱,她們會跟其他歌手合作;)、歌唱技巧、舞台魅力、表演張力、舞蹈(1D不會跳舞ㄎㄎ)等等等,都略勝一籌;但主觀的我有粉絲情節,而且One Direction比較紅,所以兩團勢均力敵,就看各位比較喜歡誰囉!!! Little Mix Touch You and I and nobody else Feeling feelings I never felt The way you got me under your spell Don't you keep it all to yourself So won't you take it, I feel like for the first time I am not faking Fingers on my buttons and now you're playing Master of anticipation Don't you keep it all to yourself Just a touch of your love is enough To knock me off of my feet all week Just a touch of your lo-ove Just a touch of your lo-ove Just a touch of your love is enough To take control of my whole body Just a touch of your lo-ove Just...