

目前顯示的是 1月, 2017的文章

Niall Horan《This Town》

大家一定很好奇我為什麼可以在上課時間更新我的部落格(好像很正常,現在),我在上電腦課啦XD 讓大家久等了,這裡是小奈(我取的)This Town的歌詞!!!有點像Little Things,我第一次聽到時心情很激動,我們家小奈越長越大了!不知道大家有沒有聽說Niall要跟吾愛(ㄎㄎ)尚恩曼德斯(Shawn Mendes)合作呢!不只奈爾,還有路路(就是Louis啦)也有新歌Just Hold Down,我之後也會放上來ㄛ! P. S. 那個欺騙我們的大混蛋贊恩(不同意我的directioner沒關係,但你自己捫心自問,他的作為是不是真的很…背叛我們)也跟Taylor Swift合唱格雷2的主題曲I Don't Wanna Live Forever。他12號生日,我還在考慮要不要原諒他(沒有意外的話是不可能的)ㄣ~有想跟我討論他的請留個言,我一定會回覆。 Niall Horan This Town Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air It's hard Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running 'round It's funny how things never change in this old town So far From the stars Pre-chorus: And I want to tell you everything The words I never got to say the first time around And I remember everything From when we were the children playing in this fairground Wish I was there with you now CHORUS: 'Cause if the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you Drive hig...